30 research outputs found

    Robust Tickets Can Transfer Better: Drawing More Transferable Subnetworks in Transfer Learning

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    Transfer learning leverages feature representations of deep neural networks (DNNs) pretrained on source tasks with rich data to empower effective finetuning on downstream tasks. However, the pretrained models are often prohibitively large for delivering generalizable representations, which limits their deployment on edge devices with constrained resources. To close this gap, we propose a new transfer learning pipeline, which leverages our finding that robust tickets can transfer better, i.e., subnetworks drawn with properly induced adversarial robustness can win better transferability over vanilla lottery ticket subnetworks. Extensive experiments and ablation studies validate that our proposed transfer learning pipeline can achieve enhanced accuracy-sparsity trade-offs across both diverse downstream tasks and sparsity patterns, further enriching the lottery ticket hypothesis.Comment: Accepted by DAC 202

    NetBooster: Empowering Tiny Deep Learning By Standing on the Shoulders of Deep Giants

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    Tiny deep learning has attracted increasing attention driven by the substantial demand for deploying deep learning on numerous intelligent Internet-of-Things devices. However, it is still challenging to unleash tiny deep learning's full potential on both large-scale datasets and downstream tasks due to the under-fitting issues caused by the limited model capacity of tiny neural networks (TNNs). To this end, we propose a framework called NetBooster to empower tiny deep learning by augmenting the architectures of TNNs via an expansion-then-contraction strategy. Extensive experiments show that NetBooster consistently outperforms state-of-the-art tiny deep learning solutions

    Auto-NBA: Efficient and Effective Search Over the Joint Space of Networks, Bitwidths, and Accelerators

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    While maximizing deep neural networks' (DNNs') acceleration efficiency requires a joint search/design of three different yet highly coupled aspects, including the networks, bitwidths, and accelerators, the challenges associated with such a joint search have not yet been fully understood and addressed. The key challenges include (1) the dilemma of whether to explode the memory consumption due to the huge joint space or achieve sub-optimal designs, (2) the discrete nature of the accelerator design space that is coupled yet different from that of the networks and bitwidths, and (3) the chicken and egg problem associated with network-accelerator co-search, i.e., co-search requires operation-wise hardware cost, which is lacking during search as the optimal accelerator depending on the whole network is still unknown during search. To tackle these daunting challenges towards optimal and fast development of DNN accelerators, we propose a framework dubbed Auto-NBA to enable jointly searching for the Networks, Bitwidths, and Accelerators, by efficiently localizing the optimal design within the huge joint design space for each target dataset and acceleration specification. Our Auto-NBA integrates a heterogeneous sampling strategy to achieve unbiased search with constant memory consumption, and a novel joint-search pipeline equipped with a generic differentiable accelerator search engine. Extensive experiments and ablation studies validate that both Auto-NBA generated networks and accelerators consistently outperform state-of-the-art designs (including co-search/exploration techniques, hardware-aware NAS methods, and DNN accelerators), in terms of search time, task accuracy, and accelerator efficiency. Our codes are available at: https://github.com/RICE-EIC/Auto-NBA.Comment: Accepted at ICML 202

    NetDistiller: Empowering Tiny Deep Learning via In-Situ Distillation

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    Boosting the task accuracy of tiny neural networks (TNNs) has become a fundamental challenge for enabling the deployments of TNNs on edge devices which are constrained by strict limitations in terms of memory, computation, bandwidth, and power supply. To this end, we propose a framework called NetDistiller to boost the achievable accuracy of TNNs by treating them as sub-networks of a weight-sharing teacher constructed by expanding the number of channels of the TNN. Specifically, the target TNN model is jointly trained with the weight-sharing teacher model via (1) gradient surgery to tackle the gradient conflicts between them and (2) uncertainty-aware distillation to mitigate the overfitting of the teacher model. Extensive experiments across diverse tasks validate NetDistiller's effectiveness in boosting TNNs' achievable accuracy over state-of-the-art methods. Our code is available at https://github.com/GATECH-EIC/NetDistiller

    Fractional Skipping: Towards Finer-Grained Dynamic CNN Inference

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    While increasingly deep networks are still in general desired for achieving state-of-the-art performance, for many specific inputs a simpler network might already suffice. Existing works exploited this observation by learning to skip convolutional layers in an input-dependent manner. However, we argue their binary decision scheme, i.e., either fully executing or completely bypassing one layer for a specific input, can be enhanced by introducing finer-grained, "softer" decisions. We therefore propose a Dynamic Fractional Skipping (DFS) framework. The core idea of DFS is to hypothesize layer-wise quantization (to different bitwidths) as intermediate "soft" choices to be made between fully utilizing and skipping a layer. For each input, DFS dynamically assigns a bitwidth to both weights and activations of each layer, where fully executing and skipping could be viewed as two "extremes" (i.e., full bitwidth and zero bitwidth). In this way, DFS can "fractionally" exploit a layer's expressive power during input-adaptive inference, enabling finer-grained accuracy-computational cost trade-offs. It presents a unified view to link input-adaptive layer skipping and input-adaptive hybrid quantization. Extensive experimental results demonstrate the superior tradeoff between computational cost and model expressive power (accuracy) achieved by DFS. More visualizations also indicate a smooth and consistent transition in the DFS behaviors, especially the learned choices between layer skipping and different quantizations when the total computational budgets vary, validating our hypothesis that layer quantization could be viewed as intermediate variants of layer skipping. Our source code and supplementary material are available at \link{https://github.com/Torment123/DFS}

    GPT4AIGChip: Towards Next-Generation AI Accelerator Design Automation via Large Language Models

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    The remarkable capabilities and intricate nature of Artificial Intelligence (AI) have dramatically escalated the imperative for specialized AI accelerators. Nonetheless, designing these accelerators for various AI workloads remains both labor- and time-intensive. While existing design exploration and automation tools can partially alleviate the need for extensive human involvement, they still demand substantial hardware expertise, posing a barrier to non-experts and stifling AI accelerator development. Motivated by the astonishing potential of large language models (LLMs) for generating high-quality content in response to human language instructions, we embark on this work to examine the possibility of harnessing LLMs to automate AI accelerator design. Through this endeavor, we develop GPT4AIGChip, a framework intended to democratize AI accelerator design by leveraging human natural languages instead of domain-specific languages. Specifically, we first perform an in-depth investigation into LLMs' limitations and capabilities for AI accelerator design, thus aiding our understanding of our current position and garnering insights into LLM-powered automated AI accelerator design. Furthermore, drawing inspiration from the above insights, we develop a framework called GPT4AIGChip, which features an automated demo-augmented prompt-generation pipeline utilizing in-context learning to guide LLMs towards creating high-quality AI accelerator design. To our knowledge, this work is the first to demonstrate an effective pipeline for LLM-powered automated AI accelerator generation. Accordingly, we anticipate that our insights and framework can serve as a catalyst for innovations in next-generation LLM-powered design automation tools.Comment: Accepted by ICCAD 202